8:30am Worship Service, Rite 1
9:30am Bible Study in Griswold Room and via zoom
10:30am Worship Service, Rite 2
Saint Ann's COVID-19 Protocol
Let's stay safe!
If you plan to be on our campus for in-person worship and program offerings, please review and adhere to the following procedures.
STAY HOME if anyone in your household has exhibited symptoms of COVID-19 within the last month.
WEAR A face covering which covers your nose and mouth AT ALL TIMES while on the church grounds.
MAINTAIN A PHYSICAL DISTANCE of at least 6 feet from all persons not in your immediate household.
For indoor worship: ENTER and EXIT from the Church entrance (red doors). Please WRITE DOWN your name and contact information on the pad of paper provided. Please use your own pen and write legibly. Follow directional signage and DESIGNATED SEATING areas. Those not seated appropriately will be asked to change seats.
BATHROOM facility users must SANITIZE SURFACES before and after use with bleach water as provided.
On Sundays the front door of the church will be open, as well as the accessibility entrance to the Griswold Room, but not the office entrance. Please be sure to sign in with the ushers and sit in the designated spots. Any questions, please see an usher.
Thank you for helping us stay healthy on and off campus.
Mother Anita