8:30am Worship Service, Rite 1
9:30am Bible Study in Griswold Room and via zoom
10:30am Worship Service, Rite 2
A Message from the Vestry
April 17, 2020
Update from the Pastoral Care Committee
Our hearts go out to everyone who is being impacted both directly and indirectly by the current situation. Even though we cannot meet in person at this time your Pastoral Care team is busy making contacts with parishioners. We are sending cards, emails, and making phone calls.
If you or anyone else you know is in need of a friendly voice or find yourself in a difficult position please let us know. We are here to help and support each other. Please contact Mother Anita at, 860-434-1621 or 401-688-0423,
Sr. Warden Mac Mummert, 860-434-3700 or Jr. Warden Liz Zeman,, 203-481-3030
Mac Mummert
Chair, Pastoral Care Committee
March 27, 2020
Making Music Together
Hello Fellow Saint Ann's Parishioners,
I write this to you from a new time and space for us all in this era of the coronavirus. I know all of our lives have changed in innumerable ways in recent weeks.
One thing I miss particularly in this period of isolation is making music with other people, ie, singing in the Saint Ann's Choir. Group music-making, I have discovered in a lifetime of doing it, is life-enhancing (singing even requires that you take deep breaths--true vitality!!), community-building, and spirit-boosting. And through singing the beautiful texts that we sing in the Episcopal Church we create an added connection with God--there is a saying that "Singing a hymn is like praying twice: once through the lyrics, and again through the music."
In this time when none of us can gather with each other to do group music-making, many musicians all over the world our employing the remarkable technology available to us today to do "virtual" group music-making. You may have seen many examples of this over the internet in recent days. One that affected me the most was the performance below of the "Ode to Joy" section of Beethoven's 9th Symphony, performed by members of the Rotterdam Philharmonic--from their living rooms!!
The dedication of people like this, who find a way to offer their craft to make the world a better place in the midst of this crisis, is both touching and uplifting. By giving us their music they are helping to build community, around the globe, through one of the most profound, and joyful!!, pieces of music in the history of Western civilization.
Enjoy, be uplifted, and share--from the safety of your own living rooms.
Slipped Disc | Believe it: Orchestra plays Beethoven 9th from their homes
I miss you all, and look forward to worshiping, talking, and making music with you again in the future.
March 25, 2020
All Christians are Invited to Pray
Dear Saint Ann's Family,
As many of you know, Christians around the world are encouraged to pray together tomorrow. On March 25th, which is also The Annunciation of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Mary, we invite all of you to join with us at noon, wherever you are, to recite The Lord's Prayer.
Together we face the challenges of these uncertain times. We are a family of faith, hope and love, and these uncertain times will make us all a stronger family.
Sending our prayers to all of you,
Mac Liz
Sr. Warden Jr. Warden