8:30am Worship Service, Rite 1
9:30am Bible Study in Griswold Room and via zoom
10:30am Worship Service, Rite 2
10:30am Godly Play
Capital Campaign

Saint Ann's Capital Campaign
February 3, 2019
Results to date:
122 pledges
$1,448,632.00 in pledges and gifts
Exceeded primary goal of $1.3MM
Challenge goal of $1.5MM
$150,000 replenished to endowment
$125,000 set aside for deferred maintenance
Phase 1: Narthex and front entrance
Phase 2: Reorganize first floor
Capital Campaign and Building Project
The Saint Ann’s Capital Campaign: REFLECT, RESTORE, RENEW launched the Quiet Phase with solicitations in April 2018. We broadened our outreach to the full congregation in May with a Kick-off Event featuring The Rt. Rev. Kirk Stevan Smith, Bishop Diocesan, Diocese of Arizona, Third Rector of Saint Ann’s, as our keynote speaker. The Public Phase began in July/August with outreach to our community along with local friends of Saint Ann’s.
As we end 2018 and our active solicitation period, we are proud to report that we have received a total of 111 gifts and pledges totaling $1,439,055. We exceeded our primary goal of $1.3 million and are just $61,000 shy of our challenge goal of $1.5 million. This successful Capital Campaign has been a great accomplishment for Saint Ann’s Parish.
In fulfilling the Capital Campaign promises, we have already repaid the Endowment $150,000, in Spring 2018, and have set aside $125,000 for deferred maintenance projects to be carried out in conjunction with the Phase One Building Project. Saint Ann’s currently has $830,000 cash in hand, representing over 50% of the total committed gifts and 3-year pledges to the Capital Campaign. The Capital Campaign funds are kept in a separate interest bearing bank account and are not included in the year-end Endowment total.
We are pleased to report that Centerbrook Architects has recently finalized the plans for Phase One of our building project which will create a safe and accessible front entrance to Saint Ann’s and an expanded Narthex area with a coat closet and plenty of storage. The planned entrance to Saint Ann’s will provide an ADA compliant walkway, handrails, lighting, landscaping and space to congregate after our services.
With final bids in hand, we look forward to sharing the design plans with you in the days ahead and anticipate the start of the Phase One Building Project in Spring 2019.
Under the direction of our Rector, The Rev. Mark K. J. Robinson, we began our work three years ago with the process of discernment, the feasibility study and finally launched the Capital Campaign in early 2018. We thank Mark for his support of Saint Ann’s and for his faith and believe that we could launch and complete a successful Capital Campaign to REFLECT, RESTORE, RENEW Saint Ann’s for future generations.
In recognition of Mark’s ministry at Saint Ann’s Parish, as Sixth Rector, the Vestry agreed to name the new expanded Narthex, The Robinson Narthex. This tribute to Mark was announced on December 23rd at an all parish goodbye party to celebrate Mark’s service and retirement.
We thank all of our donors for their outstanding support of Saint Ann’s Parish. We thank our Capital Campaign Committee and our Capital Campaign Administrator, Wendy Shaffer, for their time and dedication to this project. We are appreciative of the guidance of Maurice Seaton of Episcopal Church Foundation who led us through each step of the process. The successful completion of Saint Ann’s first Capital Campaign is an illustration of the strength of our parish community and our commitment to the future of Saint Ann’s Parish.
As we work together through our transition to call a new Rector to our church, we should all be very proud of Saint Ann’s new “face” on Shore Road and grateful for the living foundation of our parish that is reflected in the strong and devoted parishioners in our Sanctuary.
We remain, faithfully,
Laura Lee Miller & Newt Merrill
Co-Chairs of the Capital Campaign & Building Project
January 27, 2019
Your 2018 Year End Gift Will Be Doubled!
Dear Saint Ann's Family, December 7, 2018
As the Church year comes to an end, we say goodbye to our sixth rector, The Rev. Canon Mark K. J. Robinson and, with prayer, thank him for his ministry. We ask you to consider a 2018 Year End Holiday donation to Saint Ann's to be put towards our Capital Campaign which will end December 31, 2018.
Thanks to all of you, we are proud to report that we have raised $1.4 million dollars in support of our Capital Campaign and are only $100,000 shy of our Challenge Goal of $1.5 million.
Your 2018 Year End Holiday Gift will be matched dollar for dollar, up to $40,000, by the generous and anonymous donations of Saint Ann's Parish members.
Your gift will be used to help us restore and renew our wonderful church, enrich lives through sacred liturgy, inform minds though lectures, bring joy through song, advocate for people in need, and illuminate our community this holiday season and always.
May the generous blessings that you bestow fill your life with joy and peace during this holiday season and beyond. Thank you for your faith and for your compassionate support of The Rev. Canon Mark K. J. Robinson's ministry at Saint Ann's Parish.
Laura Lee Miller and Newt Merrill
Co-Chairs of the Capital Campaign Saint Ann's Parish
Celebrate the Blessing of our Capital Campaign Pledges!!
Dear Members and Friends of Saint Ann's, September 7, 2018
Having achieved our Capital Campaign Primary Goal of $1.3 million, we are now working towards our Challenge Goal of $1.5 million. We currently have $1.347 in pledges or gifts and 82 members and friends of Saint Ann's have participated. Thank you all for your incredible support of this important effort!
On Sunday, September 16th, our Capital Campaign Pledges will be blessed during our worship services. We invite everyone to join us on this important occasion.
Our Capital Campaign is not over and any pledges, large or small, are appreciated and are critical to the continued success of this campaign. But, as we gather together on September 16th, we will give thanks to God and ask for his blessings as we move forward to begin the work at Saint Ann's Parish that is supported by our Capital Campaign pledges and gifts.
Please continue to REFLECT, RESTORE & RENEW and give generously in honor of Saint Ann's Parish.
Faithfully, Laura Lee Miller and Newt Merrill
Co Chairs of the Capital Campaign
Our Capital Campaign challenge goal is now on the horizon...
Congratulations to all!
Dear Members and Friends of Saint Ann's, July 26, 2018
We are very proud to report that we have just achieved our Capital Campaign PRIMARY GOAL! Thanks to all for your support and participation. We are now prepared to reach our challenge goal of $1.5 million.
We invite everyone to join in participating in this important effort. All pledges, large or small, are appreciated and are critical to the success of this campaign. Remember that we measure our campaign success not only by the dollars pledged but by working towards 100% participation of all Saint Ann's Parish members.
Please REFLECT, RESTORE & RENEW together and give generously in honor of Saint Ann's Parish.
Faithfully, Laura Lee Miller and Newt Merrill
Co Chairs of the Capital Campaign
Click image to enlarge
Dear Friends and Members of Saint Ann’s, May 22, 2018
As you know, we have embarked on a journey together and it ‘s been quite a ride so far.
As the Co-Chairs of your Capital Campaign Committee, we are extraordinarily encouraged with the results of our early solicitations.
The mission that we have undertaken is to restore, maintain and sustain Saint Ann’s and all of her ministries for future generations. But, we will only reach our campaign goal with your full participation and support.
In preparation, starting the day after Easter, we initiated conversations with a number of our members – in anticipation of being able to announce the launch of a comprehensive campaign for Saint Ann’s Parish.
At this time, we are pleased to report that we have 100% participation of our Vestry as well as our Capital Campaign Committee members! We thank them for their show of support.
We are thrilled to be able to announce that as of Pentecost Sunday, May 20th, we had pledges in hand representing 93.2% of our primary goal of $1.3 million and 81% of our challenge goal of $1.5 million.
The total raised and pledged to date is $1,211,270! This is truly an outstanding achievement!
However, our work continues with the next phase of our Capital Campaign.

the source of all wisdom and understanding,
we are honored that Saint Ann's Parish was
planted in 1883 to serve Jesus' mission of
restoration and reconciliation for God's
people. Continue to give us strength and
courage as we move to reflect upon and
restore what has been given to us by
previous generations. May we renew all
things to your glory and praise. As we
reflect, restore, and renew ourselves in
your name, we seek your guidance, all to
your glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Our early donors have set the tone for us with great support, energy and enthusiasm. But, Saint Ann’s belongs to all of us and we share the responsibility for the stewardship of our church for future generations. It is our turn to give back to Saint Ann’s.
What are the next steps? First, your Vestry has fulfilled their commitment by reimbursing the Endowment with $154,000 of the collected Capital Campaign donations. This was the first priority of our campaign and the first promise to be fulfilled.
Second, you are all invited and encouraged to participate in a variety of small congregational gatherings during June and July where we will meet together to discuss our shared commitment to Saint Ann’s, the goals of our Capital Campaign and make a pledge to the future of our Parish.
There is now a list of upcoming events hosted by our church members and sign up sheets outside the Griswold Room. Please be a part of Saint Ann’s warm hospitality and sign up today.
We encourage all of you to join in this opportunity to expand our community of faith within Saint Ann’s Parish. For those of you who are long standing members, and new members, the work of our campaign reminds us that there are new friendships to create and new conversations that will bring us closer together as members of Saint Ann’s.
As Co-Chairs of Saint Ann’s Capital Campaign, we did not know one another six months ago and now we are friends and partners in our commitment to this campaign and to Saint Ann’s.
This is us, our church community, and we now have the opportunity to know it better and in different ways as we come together to plan the future.
We believe that our campaign asks us all to –
Reflect on our legacy with grateful hearts
Restore the resources that we need to invigorate our parish . . . and
Renew our commitment to our parish family and to our community.
We thank our Rector, our Vestry, our Capital Campaign Committee and all of you who hold up each other and Saint Ann’s with prayer and pledge as we embark on this Capital Campaign together.
Faithfully yours,
Laura Lee Miller-Bowes and Newt Merrill
Co-Chairs, Capital Campaign Committee

On Pentecost Sunday, we were honored and blessed to welcome The Rt. Rev. Kirk Steven Smith, Bishop of Arizona and former Rector of Saint Ann's. He served as celebrant at our worship service and keynote speaker at our celebration brunch.
Click here to read Bishop Smith's keynote address.
Click here to see more pictures from the event.

Let us pray:
Oh God, you have called us to be your people in this place. Help us to build on the foundations that were laid for us by our forebears that we might become an even more effective witness to your Gospel. Grant us, and the people of Saint Ann’s, a spirit of generosity that we might have the means to meet the challenges before us. Grant us the guidance of your Pentecost spirit that we might approach the work before us with energy and enthusiasm. Hear our prayer which we offer in the name of your Son Jesus Christ, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. AMEN
~Bishop Smith