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Funerals and Memorial Garden



“For none of us has life in himself, and none becomes his own master when he dies”

These words begin the culminating verse of the opening sentences for the burial service in the Book of Common Prayer. As we are to love God with all of our heart and soul and mind and strength, so God keeps us.


Please call the parish office at 860-434-1621 or email the parish administrator at with any questions. 


Please review, and if appropriate complete, the following forms in preparation for Funeral and Burial Services. 


Funeral Preparation

Funeral Planning

Funeral Readings

Funeral Hymns


The Memorial Garden is an area set aside as a testament to the promises of God by which we live. It has been designed to be a place of prayer and reflection, where individuals may find solace and made sure if the lives of others.

Memorial Garden Rules and Fees


Ashes are to be loosely interred. 


A plot record will become a permanent part of the parish records.

Financial contributions to the Memorial Garden Fund are welcome and will be recorded in the Memorial Garden Book. The fund is dedicated to the maintenance of the garden. All contributions to the fund will be used at the discretion of the Memorial Garden Committee under the direction of the Vestry.

Nameplates shall be affixed to the monument stone in the garden.

All nameplates shall be identical in size and shape, and shall only contain the name, and years of birth and death of the deceased. 


Placement of trees, shrubs, and other plant material are the responsibility of the Memorial Garden Committee.Cut flowers, potted plants, or other arrangements are not permitted in the Memorial Garden at any time.

Individual plot markings are prohibited. 


Burials are considered permanent. Ashes may not be moved or exhumed.

Ashes are to be buried directly in the garden.

Any major changes to the original garden design or structure substantially altering the garden are subject to a proposal by the Memorial Garden Committee to the Vestry and its approval before implementation. 


Burial Fee – The burial donation to the Memorial Garden Fund is set at $500. It may be changed annually by the committee with the approval of the Vestry. This fee includes the burial plot, the cost of burial, and the nameplate with engraving of deceased’s name and years of birth and death. All or any part of the burial fee may be waived upon recommendation by the Rector.


Certificates for burial may be purchased at any time. Purchase of same guarantees the owners of certificates burial in the memorial garden. Certificates may be transferred to other members of immediate families at the discretion of the Rector. 




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