8:30am Worship Service, Rite 1
9:30am Bible Study in Griswold Room and via zoom
10:30am Worship Service, Rite 2
10:30am Godly Play
Welcome to Saint Ann's Parish

On being an Episcopalian
Here are some reasons why many people have chosen the Episcopal Church:
Worship that is not passive. We worship God as a body of people, along with our clergy. The clergy is not the central focus -- God is. Because we believe human beings are whole persons, we worship with our minds, hearts, and bodies - hence the postures of standing, kneeling and sitting.
A theology that embraces our intelligence rather than ignoring it. God gives us minds to think. Our theology is always informed by listening to Scriptures, to tradition, and to reason.
A strong sense of community which embraces a willingness not only to understand but also to celebrate differences. The worldwide Anglican Communion encompasses a multitude of ethnic and cultural traditions. Our unity is Christ, not a conformity of opinion.
A heritage that takes the Bible seriously but is not bound by literalism. The Bible is a collection of books written over many centuries which must be seen in their historical, literary, and cultural context. The Bible is taken as the Word of God; it speaks with a rich, complex, and varied tone. To pull verses out of its total context is to do it disservice.
A devotion to the Biblical sacraments instituted by Jesus which evoke awe and mystery instead of factual explanation. We believe God is at work in the sacraments, Baptism and Holy Communion being the primary ones. Our worship has a ceremonial, formal and aesthetic quality which contributes to the sense of the presence of God.
A sense of ministry that is rightfully the calling of every baptized person. We are all ministers, not just the clergy. This Church believes that every person has a ministry in vocation. It is the role of the Church to prepare us spiritually for these tasks.
How to become a member of Saint Ann’s Church
Visitors and newcomers are invited to make themselves known to the rector or ushers or to fill out the guest book near the front doors. Our rector will contact you as soon as possible. Anyone who is already Episcopalian is requested to contact the office (860-434-1621) if they wish to transfer membership to Saint Ann’s.
About our services
The primary service of worship on Sundays is the Holy Eucharist. At the 8:30 service, Rite I of the Holy Eucharist in the Book of Common Prayer is celebrated. It is a spoken service, with music at communion and a closing hymn. At the 10:30 service, Rite II is celebrated, and the service is complemented with organ and choir.
It is customary to prepare for worship in quiet and personal prayer.
All baptized persons are encouraged to receive Holy Communion.
Children of all ages are welcome at all services. Children in preschool through fifth grade who attend Godly Play join their families at the Peace. The nursery and school rooms are on the lower level. An usher will direct you if you need help.
Those persons unable to come to the altar rail may receive Communion at their places. Please let the usher know.
Also on Sundays
A Coffee Hour follows the 10:30 service in the Griswold Room. Please come and take the opportunity to get to know others better and enable them to know you.
Bible Study is held in the Griswold Room from 9:30 to 10:15am and continues Monday at 5pm via Zoom.
The sacraments
Holy Baptism is celebrated primarily at regular services on designated Sundays throughout the Church Year. Candidates, or the parents and sponsors of child candidates, should meet with the rector for preparation. To arrange for a baptism, call the church office.
If you would like information regarding Confirmation, weddings, or funerals, please contact the rector or call the church office.
Governance of the parish
The primary governing board of the parish is the vestry. The vestry is composed of 12 people, including the Rector. The senior warden, junior warden, treasurer, clerk and seven parishioners are elected by the congregation at the Annual Meeting to represent them in parish administration, overseeing programs, and acting in legal and financial matters. The wardens, the clerk and the treasurer are elected for one-year-terms. Committee representatives serve three-year terms. See the back of the service sheet or the website for the names of the current vestry members.
Service and fellowship
The community offers many opportunities for ministry and ministration. For further information please contact the office (860-434-1621) or any member of the staff or vestry.