8:30am Worship Service, Rite 1
9:30am Bible Study in Griswold Room and via zoom
10:30am Worship Service, Rite 2
The Vestry of the parish has the responsibility to work with the Rector in oversight for the earthly concerns of the parish, and to support the priest and parish as they oversee the spiritual concerns of the parish and community. The Vestry determines the annual budget and oversees all programs, organizations, activities, and ministries. The Vestry is comprised of four officers (two Wardens, Treasurer and Secretary) and seven members who serve as liaisons to parish ministries. All Vestry members are elected by vote of parish members at the Annual Meeting. The Vestry meets on the second Monday of each month. Meetings are open to all parishioners.
Charlie Potts, Senior Warden
Charlie joined Saint Ann’s Parish in 2016, after moving to Old Lyme from Freeport, ME, with his artist wife, Lindy Lyman, and transferring from Saint Bartholomew’s Church in Yarmouth. They continue to be grateful for the warm and welcoming community of Saint Ann’s. Between them, they have four sons, three daughters-in-law, five grandsons, and two granddaughters.
Growing up in New York City, and later in Glen Cove on Long Island, Charlie has degrees in Psychology, Business, and Education. Professionally, he has served as an employee benefits consultant, a manufacturer’s representative, a Registered Investment Advisor, and as a principal in a real estate and investment company. In 2011, he received an Educator’s Certification in English, later adding additional certifications in History, Economics, Business, and Humanities. In 2020, Charlie completed Education for Ministry, a four-year seminar course in theology offered through The Beecken Center for Faith, Learning, and Ministry.
At Saint Ann’s, Charlie has served as Assistant Treasurer (2017), as Treasurer (2018 & 2019), and as Senior Warden (2022) as well as a member of the Investment Committee, the Soup Kitchen Mission, the Altar Guild, and as a lector, crucifer, acolyte, and intercessor. He is most grateful for the opportunity to lead Tuesday Morning Prayer (Tues @ 10:00 a.m.) and co-lead weekly Bible Study (Sun @ 9:30 a.m. and Mon @ 5:00 p.m.).
Becca Pote, Junior Warden
A retired teacher, Becca and her husband, John have called Old Lyme home for over four decades. They have been members of Saint Ann’s for almost as long. Their daughters, Emily and Chelsea, were raised, confirmed, and served as acolytes here.
Raised Baptist (Mom) and Greek Orthodox (Dad), Becca was confirmed here by Bishop Rowthorn. Past iterations of her service to the church include vestry member, search committee member, Nearly New and soup kitchen volunteer, church school teaching, pageant coordination, lecturing, ushering, and ECW/Women of Saint Ann’s board member.
Becca enjoys reading, walking, gardening (mostly chasing deer), and being four-year old Leo’s Gran.
Peter Griffin, Treasurer
Peter is a life-long Episcopalian and has been a member of Saint Ann’s for 40 years. He has served Saint Ann’s in various positions over the years including Treasurer and Senior Warden.
Peter and his wife Candide were married at Saint Ann’s in 2005. Peter’s first wife Pam and his parents Gloria and Robert (Grif) are interred in our Memorial Garden. He is an engineer by training with B.S. and M.S. from Cornell University and MBA from UCONN. He has recently retired after 22 years as President of Essex Products Group and Greaves Corporation, a manufacturing company located in Centerbrook, CT.
Jill Whitney, Secretary
Jill is a licensed marriage and family therapist who lives and works in Old Lyme, focusing on couples and adult individuals. She loves doing what she can to make people’s lives a little better.
Jill’s two children, Jordan and Kirsten Brink, were raised and confirmed at Saint Ann’s. They now live in Norwalk and Boston, respectively—fortunately, not too far away!
In her 35 years at Saint Ann’s, Jill has served as a lector, clerk of the vestry, church school teacher and Godly Play storyteller, volunteer for the Shoreline Soup Kitchen, and on committees including Youth Ministry, Pastoral Care, the board of the ECW/Women of Saint Ann’s, and two discernment committees. She’s grateful to have participated in one of our mission trips to the Dominican Republic.
Jill and her partner Rob are enthusiastic swing dancers, with a little ballroom thrown in. When they get a chance, they also enjoy travel, walking, sailing, cross-country skiing, and kayaking around our beautiful corner of the world.
Carol Carlson, Christian Formation & Assistant Treasurer
Carol Carlson is a lifelong Episcopalian, having been a member of Trinity Episcopal Church in Wethersfield since early childhood. She served on Trinity's vestry and Altar Guild. She has been an active member of Saint Ann's since 2013. She has served as vestry liaison for outreach on two Saint Ann's vestries as well as assistant to the treasurer for Charlie Potts during his two terms as Treasurer. In December 2019, the vestry elected Carol as treasurer to complete Charlie's term and continued to serve the following term as treasurer during his recovery from heart transplant surgery. She also served as vestry liaison to the Nearly New Shop. She is an active participant in many of the outreach ministries at Saint Ann's and a regular volunteer at the Nearly New Shop.
Carol was an elected member of the Wethersfield Board of Education for four years before moving to Old Lyme in 1996. She spent her business career in the insurance industry, retiring in 2012 as the Software Development Manager for NLC Insurance Companies. Carol lives with her husband of 52 years, Dick. They are the proud parents of two sons and the delighted grandparents of three granddaughters and one grandson. She is an avid reader, gardener and chicken keeper.
Todd Lefurge, Buildings & Grounds
Todd Lefurge grew up in New Jersey and moved to Connecticut in 1995 to start a job with Pfizer. He left Pfizer in 2011, pursuing other opportunities within the pharmaceutical industry and currently works for a company based in Philadelphia, but is able to work remotely from home most of the time. Todd is the father of four children, ages 16 through 25. His two youngest daughters live with him. Although raised in the Roman Catholic church, since the age of 16, Todd has explored and been a member of other Christian denominations over the years as part of his spiritual journey, settling at Saint Ann’s a few years ago and becoming a member. He is active in the choir and is looking to expand his service in the church community.
Mark Read, Fellowship
Mark Read was baptized and confirmed at Christ Church in Rye, NY, and was active in the youth fellowship there. He attended Amherst College (earning a BA in English), where he was active in the Amherst Christian Fellowship. He has attended Grace Church in New York City, where he led a Bible study group, and St Dunstan’s in Carmel, CA. He joined the Building and Grounds committee at Saint Ann’s this past fall.
Mark works full-time for Sensei Project Solutions where he advises clients on project management systems based on the Microsoft platform. His clients have included multinational corporations, municipal and state agencies, and non-governmental organizations.
Mark served on the Berkeley City Club Board of Directors (and as President for 3 years) overseeing operations and restoration projects for this 90-plus-year-old organization, and is currently Treasurer of Little Simon Properties Inc, a 118-year old Adirondack camp.
Mark was married and has two children. He lived in California for 25 years and moved to Old Lyme last year to be with his mother, Jean Read, who lives in the house her parents had built in 1961, up RT 156 across from the Lohmann Buck Twining Preserve.
Tom Angers, Nearly New Shop
Tom Angers joined Saint Ann's in January of 2022 when he and his husband, Tim VanDaff, moved from their former parish of St. Stephen's in East Haddam. At Saint Ann's, Tom is a member of the Stewardship Committee.
Tom received an MBA from Columbia University; and he is a retired Executive Vice President of BNYMellon in New York City where he worked in human resources for 25 years. While in New York, Tom served on the Board of Episcopal Charities of the Diocese of New York for 8 years, where he was on the Audit Committee.
Since retiring in 2010, Tom and Tim have lived in Lyme and Tom has been involved in a number of activities. Serving on the vestry of St. Stephen's for 6 years, Tom was on the Stewardship and Administration/Finance Committees. When the former rector of St. Stephen's was called to a new parish, working closely with the diocese, Tom worked on the search committee for a new priest who now has been named rector. In addition to his work at St. Stephen's, Tom also served on the board of the Lyman Allyn Art Museum for 6 years where he was a member of both the Finance and the Education Committees, and served a term as secretary. Tom continues as a member of the Education Committee.
Tom and Tim are excited to be part of the Saint Ann's family, and look forward to participating in the growth of the parish in the years ahead.
Alden Rockwell Murphy, Communications
Alden has been a member of Saint Ann’s for 30 years, since she and her husband Jamie moved here from NYC with their sons Alec and Graham. During her time here, Alden has served as Clerk, Jr. Warden and Sr. Warden; she has taught Godly Play and co-founded the Becoming Beloved Community Committee. She co-founded the concert series Live@SaintAnns which will resume again this February! She also co-chaired, along with Charlie Potts, the Lift-Up campaign in 2021, securing funds to install a lift at Saint Ann’s, thus making our campus fully accessible. Her greatest love at Saint Ann’s is singing in the choir.
Before coming to CT, Alden worked in publications at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. After relocating to CT, Alden worked as a music therapist on the staff at CT Hospice. Alden is President and one of the co-founders of Musical Masterworks, a chamber music series in Old Lyme. She is also a devoted member of The Anglican Singers, along with several other Saint Ann’s folks.
Alden enjoys hiking and yoga, travel and spending time with her family and their dog Tessa!
Manon Zumbaum, Outreach
Manon Zumbaum was born and raised in Europe from 1975 to 2001. She came to Lyme the first time in 1996, and then moved here in 2001.
In Europe, she lived with her Corsican mother and German father. In 2000, Manon earned her master’s degree in comparative French and German and European Law at the University of Köln and the Sorbonne, Paris. In 2001, she started a new life with her then American husband and her two sons here in Lyme. She became a French and German school teacher in 2009 at Old Saybrook public schools where she has been since, as a teacher and world language department leader. She went back to school here for her master’s in research-based learning interventions and her 6th year degree and certification in school leadership and administration.
Manon lives in Hamburg, Lyme, and enjoys life here for the last 23 years. Her sons, Gabriel and Nikolai, are grown up and flew the coop. But when the two boys come home, the three of them enjoy time together and the wonderful people and nature surrounding them.
Manon loves to sing in the church's choir, fulfill her duties as Altar Guild co-directress, and help with Soup Kitchen.
In Germany, Manon went to the Mother Theresa elementary school in Dueren; her art, music and religion teachers were big inspirations.
“Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.” ~Mother Theresa